Kerry Brougher
Kerry Brougher é historiador de arte e cinema e curador independente. Foi Diretor Fundador e CEO do Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, tendo trabalhado com Renzo Piano no projeto do edifício e na coleção e programa deste que foi o primeiro museu do cinema em Los Angeles. Durante 14 anos, foi o curador principal do Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden em Washington, D.C, onde também deteve os cargos de diretor adjunto e diretor interino. Durante os seus anos formativos, foi diretor do Modern Art Oxford em Inglaterra e curador no Museum of Contemporary Art em Los Angeles. Para além de retrospetivas importantes de artistas como Jeff Wall, Ed Ruscha, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Gustav Metzger e Yves Klein, Brougher é conhecido por diversas exposições temáticas, muitas das quais focadas no filme e multimédia, como Hall of Mirrors: Art and Film since 1945; Notorious: Alfred Hitchcock and Contemporary Art; Open City: Street Photographs since 1950; Visual Music; The Cinema Effect: Illusion, Reality, and the Moving Image; e Damage Control: Art and Destruction since 1950. Também organizou SONG 1, uma projeção de vídeo de 360 graus do artista Doug Aitken sobre a fachada circular do Hirshhorn. Brougher, que recebeu vários prémios pelas suas exposições e livros. É Curador Emérito do Smithsonian Institution em Washington, D.C.
Kerry Brougher is an art and film historian and independent curator. He was the Founding Director and CEO of the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, where he worked with Renzo Piano on the building design and the collection and program of this first Los Angeles film museum. For fourteen years, Brougher was the Chief Curator of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C, where he also served as Deputy Director and Interim Director. He was also the Director of Modern Art Oxford in England and was a curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles during its formative years. Along with significant retrospectives of artists such as Jeff Wall, Ed Ruscha, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Gustav Metzger, and Yves Klein, Brougher is known for numerous thematic exhibitions, many focusing on film and multimedia, such as Hall of Mirrors: Art and Film since 1945; Notorious: Alfred Hitchcock and Contemporary Art; Open City: Street Photographs since 1950; Visual Music; The Cinema Effect: Illusion, Reality, and the Moving Image; and Damage Control: Art and Destruction since 1950. He also organized SONG 1, artist Doug Aitken’s 360-degree video projection onto the circular facade of the Hirshhorn. Brougher, who has won numerous awards for his exhibitions and books, is Curator Emeritus at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. ARTIGOS RELACIONADOS