Vasco Araújo
Lisboa, 1975. Concluiu a licenciatura em Escultura pela FBAUL, frequentou o Curso Avançado de Artes Plásticas da Maumaus em Lisboa. Integrou ainda programas de residências, como The University of Arts, Filadélfia (2007); Récollets, Paris (2005) e Core Program (2003/04), Houston. Em 2003 recebeu o Prémio EDP Novos Artistas, Portugal. Desde então tem participado em diversas exposições individuais e colectivas, tanto nacional como internacionalmente: Momento à parte, MAAT – Fundação EDP, Lisboa (2019); Vasco Araújo, M-Museum, Leuven (2018); Decolonial Desires, Autograph ABP, Londres (2016); Potestad, MALBA – Museu de Arte Latino-Americana de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (2015); Under the Influence of Psyche, The Power Plant, Toronto (2014); Debret, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo (2013); Eco, Jeu de Paume, Paris (2008); Em Vivo Contacto, 28.º Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo (2008); Experience of Art, La Biennale di Venezia – 51th International Exhibition of Art, Veneza (2005); The World Maybe Fantastic, Biennale of Sydney, Sydney (2002). O seu trabalho está publicado em vários livros e catálogos e representado em várias colecções, públicas e privadas. www.vascoaraujo.org
Lisbon, 1975. Completed his first degree in Sculpture in 1999 at FBAUL, and attended the Advanced Course in Visual Arts at Maumaus in Lisbon. Also took part in residency programmes, such as The University of Arts, Philadelphia (2007); Récollets, Paris (2005) and the Core Program (2003/04), Houston. In 2003, he was awarded the EDP Prize for New Artists, Portugal. Since then, he has participated in various solo and group exhibitions both in Portugal and abroad: Momento à parte, MAAT – Fundação EDP, Lisbon (2019); Vasco Araújo, M-Museum, Leuven (2018); Decolonial Desires, Autograph ABP, London (2016); Potestad, MALBA – Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (2015); Under the Influence of Psyche, The Power Plant, Toronto (2014); Debret, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo (2013); Eco, Jeu de Paume, Paris (2008); Em Vivo Contacto, 28th Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo (2008); Experience of Art, La Biennale di Venezia – 51th International Exhibition of Art, Venice (2005); The World Maybe Fantastic, Biennale of Sydney, Sydney (2002). His work has been published in various books and catalogues and is represented in several public and private collections. ARTIGOS RELACIONADOS